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When Does Your Dog Need Emergency Veterinarian Care?

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A family dog needs regular medical checkups just like humans do, and usually these checkups can be done annually or as recommended by your veterinarian. However, sometimes your dog may need an emergency trip to the vet to address a severe health issue or other urgent situation, and in some cases, this can be a matter of life or death for your dog. Note some conditions that warrant a trip to an urgent care or 24-hour emergency veterinarian and the symptoms to look out for in your dog.

1. Severe injuries

A cut or simple bump or scrape may not warrant a trip to an emergency care clinic for your dog, but if the dog continuously bleeds without stopping or seems overly aggressive toward you and the family, this means it needs emergency care. When a dog is severely injured it may try to protect itself even from its caregivers, so note its temperament along with the injury itself. If you cannot safely approach your dog, call for assistance and, if necessary, muzzle the dog before putting it on a stretcher made of bed sheets; this will allow you to safely and gently carry the dog to your car and get it to an emergency vet.

2. Heatstroke

Always provide your dog with shade and adequate water during summertime, and never leave it outside in extreme heat. Your dog can suffer heatstroke very easily, especially those with thick coats of fur that keep their body heat inside. Signs of heatstroke include excessive panting, lying down for long periods, and a higher body temperature. Your dog may also seem lethargic and listless, and you may notice a weak or rapid pulse.

3. Paralysis or damage to limbs

If your dog tries to stand but obviously has difficulty with a limb, or cannot even stand at all, this can mean it has suffered a severe injury or may have developed arthritis that is now very severe and painful. It's never good to simply pull your dog up and expect it to stand as you could be putting pressure on a damaged limb and causing additional pain. Instead, gently carry your dog without putting pressure on the part of their body that is in distress and take them to an emergency care clinic. If your dog has been injured, it may have a broken bone that needs setting or otherwise need urgent care for internal injuries, or it may need special assistance for their arthritis or other condition.
