Pets and Puberty: A Guide for Owners and Breeders

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All You Need To Know About Gallbladder Obstructions in Your Dog

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Although most dog breeds tend to have a healthy immune system, gallbladder obstructions are one of the ailments that are quite prevalent. Additionally, it is imperative to know how to spot the onset of this illness as leaving it to develop unchecked could translate into severe health implications for your pet. Gallbladder obstructions are common since they are brought on by numerous different reasons. Some of the usual suspects of gallbladder obstructions include parasitic infections, malformations in the bile duct, cancerous tumours, pancreatitis and more. Read More»

Why Should You Serve Your Cat a Homemade Diet?

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You might have heard that more and more people are providing their cats with homemade diets. There are lot of online guides telling you how to do this, and your local vet will always be on hand to provide advice, so it’s actually quite easy to go homemade. Here are just a few reasons why you should. Giving them what they need It might be called cat food, but commercial fare isn’t generally put together to meet the exact nutritional needs of a cat. Read More»

Equine Spiral Fractures — Is There A Way Back?

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A suspected fracture in a horse should always be treated as a veterinary emergency. There are many different types of fracture, some of which can be treated by your vet if the horse is attended to promptly.  One common and potentially life-threatening fracture is a ‘spiral fracture’. So, what is a spiral fracture, how could one happen and what’s the likely outcome for your horse? Spiral fractures A spiral fracture commonly affects the long bones of the horse’s leg and can occur below or above the knee or hock joint. Read More»